Source code for gensty.font

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Gensty fonts. Classes making the essential job for handling font information
and creating LaTeX style package."""
import os
import json
from fontTools.unicode import Unicode
from fontTools import ttLib
from datetime import datetime
from gensty.helpers import ReplaceToken, checkExtension, checkFont, fixString
from gensty.config import LATEX_REQUIREMENTS, __author__
from typing import Tuple, List

[docs]class Info: """Info. Handles opentype fonts (otf, ttf) and creates codepoint/symbol (unicode) List of Tuples based either on sMuFL glyphnames.json file or the font itself as parsed by fontTools. Additionally the Class retrieves the font name. Attributes: fontfile (str): The font file (otf,ttf). name (str): The font name as retrieved from font file. codepoints (List[Tuple[str,str]]): Codepoints and Symbol. errors (List[str]): List of error messages. """ def __init__(self, fontfile: str, smufl: str = None) -> None: """__init__. Constructor. Args: fontfile (str): The font file. smufl (str,optional): sMuFL glyphnames.json file. Returns: Constructor. """ self.errors: list = [] self.fontfile: str = fontfile if checkFont(fontfile, SUPPORTED_FONTS) == False: self.errors.append("Could not file font file, or not supported") pass self.__smufl: str = smufl str = self.__getName() self.codepoints: str = self.Codepoints() def __getName(self) -> str: """__getName. Get the name from the font's names table. Customized function based on original retrieved from: Returns: Font name. """ name = "" font = ttLib.TTFont(self.fontfile) for record in font['name'].names: if record.nameID == 4 and not name: if b'\000' in record.string: name = str(record.string, 'utf-16-be').encode('utf-8') else: name = record.string if name: break font.close() name = name.decode('utf-8') return name.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "") def __glyphnameParse(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """__glyphnameParse. Parses glyphname file according w3c/smufl reference. Returns: A list of codepoint and their description. """ result = [] with open(self.__smufl) as json_file: gnames = json.load(json_file) for gname in gnames: codepoint = gnames[gname]["codepoint"].replace("U+", "") result.append((int(codepoint, 16), gname)) return result def __fontCodepoints(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]: """__fontCodepoints. Creates a list of codepoints and names for every character/symbol in the given font. Returns: A list of Tuples with condpoints and UTF-8 description. """ font = ttLib.TTFont(self.fontfile) charcodes = [] for x in font["cmap"].tables: if not x.isUnicode(): continue for y in x.cmap.items(): charcodes.append(y) font.close() sorted(charcodes) return charcodes def __fontCharList(self, charcodes: list, private: bool = False, excluded: list = []) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """__fontCharList. Accepts list of tuples with charcodes and codepoints and returns names and charcodes. Args: charcodes (list): Codepoints/Symbols created by func:`~gensty.font.LaTeXstyle.__fontCodepoints` private (bool): Allow private symbols. excluded (list): List of excluded symbols. Returns: List of codepoints and description. """ if not isinstance(charcodes, list): return False result = [] for charcode, codepoint in charcodes: description = fixString(Unicode[charcode]) if private == True and charcode >= 0xE000 and charcode <= 0xF8FF: continue if description in excluded: continue result.append((charcode, description)) return result
[docs] def Identifier(self, prefix: bool = True) -> str: """Identifier. Removes spaces and forces lowercase for font name, by default adds prefix 'fnt' so we can avoid issues with identical names. Args: prefix (bool): Font prefix. Returns: Font name identifier. """ result =" ", "") if prefix == True: return "fnt"+result return result
[docs] def Codepoints(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]: """Codepoints.Retrieves the codepoints and symbols for the desired font, handles differently if its smufl font. Returns: The final list of codepoints/description. """ if self.__smufl != None and checkExtension(self.__smufl, "json") == True: charcodes = self.__glyphnameParse() if len(charcodes) == 0: self.errors.append("Empty glyphnames file.") return False return charcodes else: charcodes = self.__fontCodepoints() charcodes = self.__fontCharList(charcodes, excluded=["????", "Space"]) if isinstance(charcodes, list): return charcodes else: self.errors.append("Error with parsing file.") return False
[docs]class LaTeXstyle(Info): """LaTeXstyle. Creates LaTeX Style package in three parts: - Header. Includes Package name and requirements. - DefCommands: The definitions of commands. - Commands: LaTeX commands based on provided codepoints. - File: The full LaTeX Style package including all above. """ def __init__(self, version: str = None, author: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """__init__. Constructor. Args: version (str): LaTeX package version. author (str): LaTeX package author. kwargs: dict of arguments for intialization of :func:`~gensty.font.Info` Returns: Constructor. """ fontfile = kwargs.get('fontfile', None) smufl = kwargs.get('smufl', None) Info.__init__(self, fontfile, smufl) if len(self.errors) > 0: print(self.errors) pass if version == None: self.__version = "v0.1" else: self.__version = version if author == None: self.__author = __author__ else: self.__author = author self.__fontfileBase = os.path.basename(self.fontfile) self.__packageName = None self.__forcedName = None self.__year ='%Y')
[docs] def setPackage(self, packageName: str): """setPackage. Sets the package Name, overides default (font name). Args: packageName (str): The package name """ self.__packageName = packageName
[docs] def setCommand(self, commandName: str) -> str: """setCommand. Forces a command name different from default (font name) Args: commandName (str): Command Name """ self.forcedCommand = commandName
def __description(self) -> str: """Creates default description text based on name and version. Returns: Description text for header. """ currentDate ='%Y-%m-%d') return "%s %s LaTeX package for %s" % (currentDate, self.__version, def __requirements(self, requirements: list = []) -> str: """__requirements. Creates LaTeX package requirements. By default fontspec is nessessary. Args: requirements (list): List of requirements. Returns: LaTeX package requirements. """ reqstr = "" if not isinstance(requirements, list): return reqstr reqstr = "" for pkg in requirements: reqstr += "\\RequirePackage{"+pkg+"}" return reqstr def __defcommands(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """__defcommands. Creates command name, definition and command. Returns: Definition of commands. """ if self.__forcedName != None: defCmd = "Define"+self.__forcedName return (defCmd, self.__forcedName) defCmd = "Define" return (defCmd, def __makeTemplate(self, template: str, tokens: dict) -> str: """__makeTemplate. Parses and replace tokens in template string. Args: template (str): Template file tokens (dict): Tokens dict. Returns: String based on provided template. """ genstyPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(genstyPath+"/"+template) as templateFile: template = output = ReplaceToken(tokens, template) return output
[docs] def Header(self) -> str: """Header. Fills header style partial template Returns: LaTeX Style package header partial. """ if self.__packageName == None: self.__packageName = tokens = { 'packageName': self.__packageName, 'description': self.__description(), 'year': self.__year, 'author': self.__author, 'requirements': self.__requirements(LATEX_REQUIREMENTS) } return self.__makeTemplate(HEADER_TEMPLATE, tokens)
[docs] def DefCommands(self) -> str: """DefCommands. Fills Commands definition style partial. Returns: LaTeX Package commands definition. """ defcommand, command = self.__defcommands() tokens = { 'fontfile': self.__fontfileBase, 'fontspath': FONTDIR, 'fontfamily': self.Identifier(), 'fntidentifier': self.Identifier(), 'defcommand': defcommand, 'command': command, } return self.__makeTemplate(COMMANDS_TEMPLATE, tokens)
[docs] def Commands(self) -> str: """Commands. Generates LaTeX commands for each char code. Returns: Commands based on symbols from font. """ if not isinstance(self.codepoints, list): return False commands = "\n" defcommand, _ = self.__defcommands() for codepoint, desc in self.codepoints: commands += "\\" + defcommand + \ "{"+desc+"}{\\symbol{"+str(codepoint)+"}}\n" if commands == "\n": return False return commands
[docs] def File(self) -> str: """File. Creates a full LaTeX Style package. Returns: LaTeX Style package. """ header = self.Header() definitions = self.DefCommands() commands = self.Commands() return header + definitions + commands