Source code for gensty.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Gensty main file for CLI manipulation.
Latex package generator ttf/otf and SMuFL."""
import os
import sys
import shutil
import argparse
from gensty.helpers import checkExtension, createDir, writePackage, checkFont
from gensty.helpers import getFontsByType
from gensty.config import __version__, FONTDIR, SUPPORTED_FONTS
from gensty.font import LaTeXstyle
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Tuple, List

def __saveSinglePackage(fontname: str, fontpath: str, content: str):
    """__saveSinglePackage. Creates a single package folder and its files and
    save thes to disk.

        fontname (str): The font name.
        fontpath (str): The path to font file.
        content (str): LaTeX Style content.
    packageFontsPath = fontname + "/" + FONTDIR
    shutil.copy2(fontpath, packageFontsPath)
    writePackage(fontname+"/"+fontname, content)

[docs]def prepareFonts(path: str, ver: str = None, author: str = None, smufl: str = None) -> List[LaTeXstyle]: """prepareFonts. Creates font.latexStyle instances in a list. Args: path (str): Either font(s) path directory or path to font file. ver (str, optional): LaTeX package version. author (str, optional): Latex package author. smufl (str, optional): SMuFL glyphnames.json definition. Returns: A list of :func:`~gensty.font.LaTeXstyle` instances containing all data needed final package generation. """ fonts = [] if os.path.isdir(path) == True: fontfiles = getFontsByType(path, SUPPORTED_FONTS) for ffile in fontfiles: fonts.append(LaTeXstyle( version=ver, author=author, fontfile=ffile, smufl=smufl)) elif checkFont(path, SUPPORTED_FONTS) == True: fonts.append(LaTeXstyle( version=ver, author=author, fontfile=path, smufl=smufl)) else: raise Exception("Unhandled operation!") return fonts
[docs]def makePackage(fonts: str, packageName: str = None, forcedCommand: str = None) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]: """makePackage. Args: fonts (str): Font(s) path, either a file path or directory. packageName (str, optional): Forced package name which overrides the font name in folders and paths. forcedCommand (str, optional): Overrides the name of generated LaTeX command. Returns: Three lists (triplet) of string containing Fontnames, Filenames and actual LaTeX style files. """ if not isinstance(fonts, list) or len(fonts) == 0: raise Exception("Error. Please provide list of LaTeXstyle instances!") files = [] fontfiles = [] names = [] if packageName != None and packageName != "": header = "" defcommands = "" commands = "" for pkg in fonts: pkg.setPackage(packageName) pkg.setCommand(forcedCommand) header = pkg.Header() defcommands += pkg.DefCommands() commands += pkg.Commands() fontfiles.append(pkg.fontfile) names.append( files.append(header + defcommands + commands) else: for pkg in fonts: pkg.setCommand(forcedCommand) header = pkg.Header() defcommands = pkg.DefCommands() commands = pkg.Commands() files.append(header + defcommands + commands) fontfiles.append(pkg.fontfile) names.append( return names, fontfiles, files
[docs]def savePackage(names: list, fontfiles: list, files: list, packageName:str = None): """savePackage. Saves packages to disk, creating the appropriate folder structure. There are four cases: - Single font. Simplest form creates one package. - Multiple font. Creates one package per font (incl. font file) - Single font, named package. Overrides the default font name on folders. - Multiple font, named package. Saves all fonts in same dir. Args: names (list): A list of `str` fontfiles (list): fontfiles files (list): files packageName (str): packageName """ if packageName != None and packageName != "": createDir(packageName) fontpath = packageName + "/" + FONTDIR createDir(fontpath) if len(fontfiles) > 0 and len(files) > 0: for idx, font in enumerate(fontfiles): shutil.copy2(font, fontpath) if idx in range(-len(files), len(files)): writePackage(packageName+"/"+packageName, files[idx]) else: raise Exception("Unknown Error!") else: for idx, pkg in enumerate(files): __saveSinglePackage(names[idx], fontfiles[idx], pkg)
[docs]def cli(): """cli. Handles console arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='genSty', description="LaTeX Style file generator for fonts") parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) parser.add_argument('path', help='Font(s) path. It can be either a directory in case of multiple fonts or file path.') parser.add_argument('--all', '-a', action="store_true", help='If choosed %(prog)s will generate LaTeX Styles for all fonts in directory') parser.add_argument('--smufl', '-s', type=str, help='If choosed %(prog)s will generate LaTeX Styles for all fonts in directory based on glyphnames provided.') parser.add_argument('--one-package', type=str, help='Creates one package with name provided by this argument.') parser.add_argument('--force-name', type=str, help='Forces LaTeX command name. Use with cautious in case of simmilar symbols on same package there will be an error.') parser.add_argument('--author', type=str, help='Author\'s name.') parser.add_argument('--ver', type=str, help='LaTeX package version.') args = parser.parse_args() # Handles different cases of command. # In case of "all" flag we create styles for every font in folder. For both # "all" true/false createPackage creates the the LaTeX style content and # package. if args.all == True and os.path.isdir(args.path) == False: raise Exception( "Error! flag --all must be defined along with directory only!") if checkFont(args.path, SUPPORTED_FONTS) == False and os.path.isdir(args.path) == False: raise Exception( "Error! path should be a valid font file (%s) or directory." % ','.join(SUPPORTED_FONTS)) if args.smufl != None and checkExtension(args.smufl, "json") == False: raise Exception("Error! Please provide a valid smufl json file") # prepare fonts. fonts = prepareFonts(args.path, args.ver,, args.smufl) fontnames, fontfiles, files = makePackage( fonts, args.one_package, args.force_name) # creates font package with folder stracture etc. savePackage(fontnames, fontfiles, files, packageName=args.one_package)